Ask Me Questions!

Heyloo! This is where you can ask me questions! Just nothing too personal please. Maybe about animal jam or math or whatever. You can also ask me to check out your blog maybe! Well, bye!

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  1. I love what you've done to this Fun! The snow.. the fireworks.. the pages... everything! Your blog is turning up great!


  2. Rainbow Gadgets... :P O.O


  3. hey r u avery, and do u horseride? i think i might know you, do u have blonde hair, and play minecraft????

    1. That sounds just like me!

      I'm Avonlea and I ride the tractor :P


Hello! This is my life blog, and since it's my blog you must respect my rules please! Here are my rules:
1.) Be kind to one another
2.) No rude, mean, or swearing comments!
3.) Please, if you have opinions that may make others rude, please do not comment them.
4.) Please please please do not do any spam comments! I know, you may do them for fun but they can be real annoying.

So keep these rules in mind and any comments that break the rules will get deleted unless they make sense. It's three strikes and your banned from this blog. Thanks for being a kind person and obeying these rules!